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What We Do

Community Involvement
The Decatur-Morgan County Hospitality Association plays a vital role in enriching our community by actively supporting local events and non-profit organizations. Our members dedicate their time and resources to make Decatur and Morgan County a welcoming destination for visitors and potential residents alike. This commitment includes participating in and sponsoring community initiatives that not only encourage tourism but also enhance the area’s livability.

Key Contributions & Initiatives

Adopt A Family for Christmas

Every Christmas, we bring joy to a family in need by purchasing gifts, spreading the spirit of giving within our community.

Welcome Center Popcorn Promotion

During spring break, our members provide travelers with popcorn and soft drinks, inviting them to explore and stay in Decatur and Morgan County.

Ambassadors to City & County Events

Our association members are a familiar presence at local events, assisting with tasks such as registration, welcoming guests, and providing information. Notable events include the Racking Horse Spring and Fall Fish Fry, various soccer tournaments, and the NAIA Tournament.

National Tourism Week

Each May, association members engage in a variety of activities to showcase and promote our area, highlighting its attractions and hospitality.

Charitable Support

Association members also provide financial contributions to various local organizations, including the Decatur Community Free Clinic, Enterprise High School Soccer Program, Decatur General Hospital Foundation, and the Carnegie Visual Arts Center – Dragon Fly Trail.

Relocation Efforts

Hotel members in the Association work with the local Chamber of Commerce to provide hotel rooms free of charge to potential residents looking to move to this area, helping to foster community growth and development.

Our Impact

The Decatur-Morgan County Hospitality Association is not just about promoting tourism, but about creating lasting impacts that contribute to economic development and enhance community life. From the construction of Ingalls Harbor to volunteering at community events and raising funds for local charities, our members embody the spirit of hospitality and community service. Join us in making Decatur and Morgan County not only a place to visit but a place to call home.